Monday 29 September 2014


SO i recently posted this video called "How to make your boobs look bigger". This came about because I've recently been seeing a lot of videos about just that! and not to hate on those videos but it just made me think about how much has society has influenced young girls self image and the fact that we spend so much money and time to feel accepted! not to mention the uncomfort that we put ourselves through to do this! I first hand know what its like to feel insecure about this and perhaps not feel beautiful or like you can't get attention from guys because society has made girls think that thats what guys are attracted to. It has made it so that we don't appreciate our natural bodies and we have to try so hard to fit into an "ideal" body image. This video is also not hating on girls with naturally big boobs or girls that have gotten them done, because its not critizing boobs, its critizing society for making that the standard for "beautiful".
i really hope that you guys got the message of the video and I'm happy to see some positive responses already in the comments!

wow my boobs look absolutely ridiculously huge for me  >.< haha but really this was soo super uncomfortable !

btw i had someone say "i thought this was an art channel" and i just wanted to say that i think this is art! i handed this is as an assigment for a class and it went super well! art is anything you say it is.. and if someone can crumple up a piece of paper and call that art then i deffinetly think that this is art as well!

Monday 22 September 2014

Drawing Homework: Memory and Place

So new video is up on the youtube, this is about one of my drawing assignments and i just wanted to share that drawing doesn't have to be with a pencil on paper, a drawing can be anything you say it is! if i crumple up a piece of paper and say thats my drawing.. then YES its a drawing! but your going to have to explain yourself of course and to WHY that is a drawing!
Also this assignment was very process based for me and i feel as i do these videos that the process of is becoming increasingly important.. I feel that the fact that i make these videos is art in itself! its a never ending project because every week i put out content for the world to watch. I think the process has become something so important to me because with other art forms, like cooking, dancing, music, etc, the viewer gets to experience this! you get to sit and listen to a song for 4 minutes or taste a delicious desert or just feel this art in a different way! then just glancing at a painting saying oh cool and then moving on, I think that a process video gives the viewer the opportunity to appreciate a work in every step of its production..

here i am trying to pose like model..
and here i am being a looser.... LOL

here is the video !

This project not only gave me the opportunity to remember an amazing childhood memory but also to make some pretty awesome jewellery :P 

Monday 15 September 2014

What is art...

Hello everyone! So i just wanted to share with you something that we are discussing in my painting class at school, the idea of Eurocentrism in art and how that affects the way we view art as "good" or "bad".  Here is a response i wrote about this issue,

I think that the issue is that people place so much importance on defining art as good or bad . We tend to use european standards for what we consider to be good and placing works that don't fit into that category as bad, simply because it is something we are not used to seeing. I think that this has come about because in history Europe has held more power, and they tried to spread their world views and their artistic ideals to as many countries as possible, including North America. So people have grown accustomed to these rules and conventions of the great masters in European art history because thats what we have been taught is good art for so many years. This leads us to normally apply those ideals in our own art practices because its is something that we are familiar with so we consider it as "better” and when something puts those European ideals upside down and challenges the formal or technical aspects that we are accustom to, we can often dismiss it as being bad
I also think that this is an excuse that no longer applies to us today, because in the past information about different cultures was not as readily available as it is now. Even though the European ideal of "good” art still happens today and is still taught in schools, we have the resources at our finger tips to find out more about the variety and diversity of different kinds of art that there is in the world, and it is up to us to know and explore this so that we can create work that is not culturally biased  and so that we are not confined to the rules that we find in an european history text book.
And to be honest this was not something that i was really aware of before or simply didn't really care to think about, but since the discussion in class I've been thinking about why we have the ideals that we do and how this affects our practice, and how as artists this is a very important topic that a lot of us have chosen to ignore but needs to be challenged more and thought about more and even though we might not agree with the ideals of other cultures it is still in our best interest to be informed and have the knowledge to be able to form opinions and bring these opinions into our artistic practice...   :)
Who made these painting "rules" 
WHY should we conform to the ideals of old white men from thousands of years ago?
Art is ANYTHING you say it is !

"Mona Lisa" by Leonardo Davinci and Rashid Johnson "Message to our folks"
I realize that this a rather lengthy response but i do think this is an important issue and something worth thinking about !

Sunday 14 September 2014

rosie fades away

Pheeww time for a new blog post! So i guess i can talk about one of my most recent paintings. This is a painting of Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. It is an oil painting on a 24x30" canvas. Now most of my paintings I've done recently have been in this style, i wouldn't say a complete series, but with the pixelated effect and very colourful and straight up portraits. Im thinking that with this one it will be a little of the "end of an era". I will still do portraits as that is what i love doing but perhaps exploring some different styles. 
but back to this painting. The concept around this one is about beauty fading away, obviously Rosie is a very beautiful woman and i created this with a sort of pixelated feel that is slowly fading away at the bottom into the nothingness of the universe. Now as some people in my critique at school said.. i should've emphasized more of the fading away part of it.. weeeell I purposely made it this way because i wanted it to still look like the person i was trying to show and slowly fade away sooo F U GUYSS haha just kidding.. :P


So as usual there is a whole process video of this painting up on my youtube channel: iheartyu21